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DynamicsAustralian Journal of ManagementContemporary SociologyEnergy PolicyEnergy Conversion and ManagementCombinatorics, Probability and ComputingJournal of Economic GeographyThe American Economic Journal: Economic PolicyAIP AdvancesTransactions on Mathematical SoftwareSocio-Economic ReviewQuarterly Journal of EconomicsInterfacesNetworks and Spatial EconomicsReview of Economic DynamicsWorld EconomyJournal of International Financial Management and AccountingJournal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Accounting &Human RelationsClimate ChangeThe Quarterly Journal of the IAEE's Energy Economics Education FoundationAdvances in Applied ProbabilityInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationThe Journal of Economic PerspectivesApplied Stochastic Models in Business and IndustryThe American StatisticianStrategic Management JournalAnnual Review of EconomicsJournal of MarketingJournal of Revenue and Pricing ManagementThe North American Journal of Economics and FinanceBritish Journal of 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Lessard, Donald. Vol. 3, No. 4 (1991): 59-72.EconometricaEconomicsJournal of Management StudiesEconomics of Energy and Environmental PolicyAnnual Review of EnergyErgodic Theory and Dynamical SystemsResearch PolicyThe Journal of Banking and FinanceJournal of HepatologyTechnometricsThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social ScienceIEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlProduction and Operations Management JournalNorth American Journal of Economics and FinanceBusiness and PoliticsJournal of Banking and FinanceApplied EconomicsJournal of Contemporary Accounting &Organization StudiesJournal of Policy ModelingWater Resources ResearchJournal of Applied ProbabilityStrategic OrganizationThe International Journal of Industrial OrganizationScientific ReportsEconometric ReviewsTechnology in SocietyJournal of Marketing ResearchNaval Research LogisticsAdvances in MacroeconomicsPolitical StudiesJournal of FinanceEconometric TheoryReview of Accounting StudiesAcademy of Management ReviewEnergy EconomicsRegional Science Association PapersStochastic ModelsIndustrial and Corporate ChangeThe Journal of Industrial EconomicsTransportation Research Part A: Policy and PracticeCommunications in StatisticsJournal of Communication Author Alexandre RochaAstrid GruberBjørn HansenCamille BernardDaan PeetersDan MillerDominique LefebvreEduardo MartinsEllie SullivanEmma JonesFernando RamosFrançois TremblayFrank HarrisFrank RalstonFrantišek WichterlováHannah SchneiderHeather LeacockHelena HolýIsabelle MercierJack SmithJennifer PetersonJohannes Van der BergJohn GordonJulia BarnettKara NielsenKaren FrancisKathy ChaseLeonie KöhlerLisa RojasLuís GonçalvesMadalena SampaioMaggy HughesMark PhilipsMartha SilkMichelle BrooksPatrick GrayRichard CunninghamRoberta BrownRoberto AlmeidaTerhi HämäläinenTim GoyerVictor Stevens Abstract ≈ ≈ !≈ = ≠ Begins Ends Word Featured Search